viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Grade 4 also celebrated Green Day.

Green day was an attractive day for my grade 4 students too.This Green day project was also divided in two main parts.Lions and Tigers were assigned to make a group work following this following sucess criteria:
  1. Label the parts of a real flower and paste it in a cardboard.
  2. Tear green paper in small pieces to paste them around the border of the cardboard.
  3. Write three ideas why plants are important in our lives.
  4. Paste these ideas in the cardboard to finish the poster.
On the other hand, Leopards also created some beautiful souvenirs to share with their friends from the other two rooms. I was very happy to see all grade 4 not only enjoying while making these projects,but also showing the responsibility we have to save the plants in our home "The Earth".

Take a look at the pictures of them while working. Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat work my kids! :D

Save the trees on PhotoPeach

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